Pilgrim on a Long, Relational Journey

I am a pilgrim on a long relational journey. I knew several “Summers” (“500 days of Summer”) 50 years ago. Summer was a woman in a young Angeleno’s life who broke his heart. However the movie ended with his hope in a woman he had just met named Fall.

I have focused on mining my subconscious for much of the last 50 years. I have been married to my spouse for nearly 43 years. I have centered on the Judeo- Christian God’s character and LOVE for 35 years.

In the love of my life, I have been blessed with a  sensitive, forgiving spouse. I appreciate that living the nitty gritty of a daily life together is a thing apart from the “Love is blind”, infant stage of a relationship. On the other hand this second stage despite its difficulties is deeper, richer and more precious. I celebrate our differences. I love her devotion, spontaneity, artistic skill, and grace. As Byron so eloquently put it, “She walks in beauty like the night.” May God bless her always.

H. Robert Rubin, best-selling, Amazon memoirist and author of Look Backward Angel, How Did I Get Through This? and Please Save the Third Dance for Me, all available on Amazon.